Pest Control Services: Ticks and Lyme Disease

Pest Control Services: Ticks and Lyme Disease

We sometimes think that it is only the elderly, sickly, or “other” people who are at risk from the more serious side effects of Lyme Disease, but reality tells us a very different story. The truth is that this debilitating, tick-borne illness can happen to anyone. We all need to do our part to be aware and keep from becoming ill.

Ticks and Lyme Disease

We tend to think of Lyme Disease as an “American” disease; after all, it’s named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut. It was there in 1975 that an outbreak was strong enough to isolate the exact cause of illness. The earliest documentation of what is now known as Lyme Disease goes back to 1908 and Sweden. Lyme Disease is a growing problem worldwide, primarily due to the migratory nature of infected birds, which become “reservoirs” of the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi. Here in the States, the small deer tick (Ixodes Scapularis) is the main vector (carrier) of Lyme Disease. These tiny ticks, when fully grown, are no larger than an apple seed and, as nymphs, can be as small as a coffee ground. Nymphs cohabit with small rodents, such as mice, chipmunks, squirrels, and other nest-making furballs. Ticks are extremely slow eaters; it usually takes 3-5 days to finish a blood meal. They are also indiscriminate feeders, attaching themselves to birds, domestic and wild animals, and humans.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Tick bites spreading Lyme Disease are increasing. It is vital when out-of-doors to do daily tick checks. Scientists believe that removing a tick within 36 – 48 hours of being bitten prevents enough bacteria from entering your system, thus protecting you from disease. One of the difficulties of diagnosing Lyme Disease properly is that its early symptoms mimic many other common illnesses, like the flu. Symptoms may include fever, chills, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, painful joints, and body aches. The classic bull’s eye rash is present in about 75% of cases. At this early stage, Lyme Disease is usually treatable with antibiotics. However, most people will not go in to be seen, especially if no rash is present. As the disease progresses, its symptoms become much more sinister: severe headaches (meningitis), facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy), and extremely swollen joints (knees in particular). There are over 300 known Lyme disease strains, which are not always identified, even with testing.

Prevention Is the Key

Our EPA-approved barrier spray offers tick protection for your yard. Ultimately, your best defense against Lyme Disease is to have a very aggressive, proactive approach against ticks. While not all ticks may be infected, too many have gone rogue and are harmful vectors. The good news is that tick control is just a phone call or email away. We offer EPA-approved barrier sprays all season long that protect your yard from 85% – 90% of all ticks, mosquitoes, stink bugs, and spiders. As an added level of protection, we offer our highly effective, strategically placed tick tubes. Rodents greedily use these clever devices to line their nests and safely eliminate tick nymphs before they emerge from their dens. Now is the time to schedule these in your yard if you have any questions or want a free consultation. We welcome your call.

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